Windham Foundation » Enhancing Windham and the Mountaintop through Education, Recreation and the Arts

CD Lane Park Enhancement

CD Lane Fall Fest Success

Windham Foundation, in cooperation with the Town of Windham and the Windham Chamber of Commerce, sponsored the CD Lane Fall Fest on Saturday, October 10, 2020. It was a brilliant autumn day – rich with intense color.

“Nature out-performed herself and we couldn’t have been happier,” said Phyllis Parrish, Windham Foundation Board member.  “Most of all, the Fall Fest was a family day where families spent time together outdoors, having fun.”

The Fall Fest was a great success and attracted families of all ages and sizes.  People brought picnic lunches, played basketball, hiked the newly restored foot paths, and soaked up fresh air and sunshine while listening to “Steel” and “Four 26.”  Some attendees noted they had been watching the new developments to CD Lane Park over the summer. “It’s truly amazing what’s been done to preserve the park,” noted one enthusiast who frequently jogs to CD Lane Park.

We are grateful for everyone who donated to make this day possible!  “It’s just the beginning,” said Peter Shapiro, who helped spearhead the CD Lane enhancement project.  “While more donations will be needed to fund all of the initiatives, it was a remarkable day for our town and community.”






A special thank you to those who volunteered their time, resources and talents to help make this event a success!

A few volunteers who we could not have done this without: Rita Mary Vining who designed the CD Lane Park sign and trail markers, Smitty’s Nursery and Landscape for providing landscaping service for the park entrance and grounds, Charlie VanEtten for restoring sand to the beach area, and the Bentley’s for installing new mulch for the children’s’ playground.


Funding for CD Lane Park

Windham’s “Jewel,” C.D. Lane Park Sparks Improvements

Posted September 10, 2020 The Mountain Eagle, Windham Weekly

Clarence D. Lane Park, or “C.D. Lane Park,” as it is best known, is nestled in the Northern Catskill town of Windham, hamlet of Maplecrest. Its construction began in 1972 as part of a broader flood mitigation project. The park, as we now know it, was officially dedicated in 1982. It grew to include a softball diamond, soccer field, basketball court, playground, volleyball court, and picnic pavilion with BBQ grills, limited walking path, and a 26-acre lake and accompanied beach.

While this public space served the local community well for years, the earthen spillway was significantly damaged by Hurricane Irene in 2011, leaving this local gem in disrepair. Since then, the spillway was restored and the lake came back attracting birds, wildlife, and the occasional visitor. That was until the pandemic shutdown in March of this year as people searched for outdoor space for activities, fresh air, and the ability to socially distance, CD Lane was rediscovered. As usage increased, so did the realization the Park needed to be revitalized.

The Windham Foundation along with some area residents, teamed up with the Town of Windham to identify improvements that would enhance the park, with a mind toward attracting community families and preserving the park space for future generations.

With plans in place and initial funding from the Windham Foundation and a few residents, enhancements began late summer to update the basketball court, repair and paint the softball backstop, replace the volleyball net, replace and refurbish the grills and picnic benches, improve the existing walking path and create better access to another 1.5 mile walking path on the other side of the lake, re-landscape the front entrance, and expand the parking area. Additional work is slated for 2021 to expand the beach area and enhance the sand with an eye toward swimming, boating, and beach volleyball.

“Nothing could be better for families and kids,” said local resident and organizer Peter Shapiro. “With sports and activities cancelled, CD Lane Park is the place to go.”

The Windham Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to preserve and enhance Windham and the mountaintop.